Make sure desired application area is clean and dry. Peel off the plastic top sheet, place the tattoo face down on your skin, and wet the back side of the tattoo paper with water until paper is completely soaked through. Press and hold for 10-20 seconds, then gently peel off paper to reveal your INKED! Here are some tips and tricks on how to get the best wear from your INKED tattoo: Make sure your skin doesn't have any makeup, skin products, perfumes, etc. on the area before or after applying (any product with oils in it will remove the tattoo or make it difficult to apply over). Try to choose a smooth, hair-free area of skin that doesn't crease or stretch when you move to get the longest wear time from your INKED tattoo. We recommend placement on your back, ankles, upper arms, or anywhere with not a lot to rub against it (fingers, hands, and wrists are most vulnerable to fade faster, as they get a ton of friction throughout the day and will fade as you wash your hands). NOTE: Filled in color designs and thicker line designs have a longer-lasting hold as well (designs that have dainty, thin lines will fade off a bit sooner).