A Little Tamed (rosey pink);Billion $ Smile (bright fluorescent pink);Burning Love (berry);Date-Maker (warm nude);Devoted To Chili (burnt red);Fashion;Fashion Emergency;Ferosh (muted dusty pink);Got A Callback (midtone mauve berry);Impulsive;Macsmash (true red);Make It Fashun! (fuchsia);Make Love To The Camera (deep wine);Marrakesh (intense orange brown);More The Mehr-ier (mauvey nude);Mull It Over (midtone nude with pink undertone);Over The Taupe (midtone dirty nude);Pretty Please (burgundy brown);Sorry Not Sorry (dirty pumpkin orange);Ruby Boo (vivid blue-red)
Apply directly to lips as desired with the hourglass-shaped applicator that perfectly hugs lips to fill in lines and enhance lips with a smoothing and blurring effect.